Narrow Thread-petal
Brown Flower
Narrow Thread-petal
Seed Pod
Narrow Thread-petal (Stenopetalum lineare)Class: Plants (Plantae) - Land Plants (Charophyta) - Land Plants (Equisetopsida)
Order: Mustards & Allies (Brassicales)
Family: Mustard (Brassicaceae or Cruciferae)     iNaturalist Observation
Species: Narrow Thread-petal (Stenopetalum lineare)
This Photo:     Yellow Flower

Thank you Dr Manfred Jusaitis for confirming the id of this species for us

General Species Information:
Found on Ellura (in the Murray Mallee, SA), the Riverland and elsewhere
A very difficult plant to spot. Has 4 chocolate brown to dull yellow petals. The flowers are tiny, with the petals only 1mm or so long.
We only found single stemmed, short (up to 200mm) plants. They can branch out and be up to 500mm high.

Copyright © 2020-2025 Brett & Marie Smith. All Rights Reserved. Photographed 15-Sep-2020
This species is classed as LC (Least Concern) in the Murray Mallee, SA, by DENR (Regional Species Status Assessments, July 2010)