Green Sheen Ground Beetle
Green Sheen Ground Beetle
Green Sheen Ground Beetle (Carenum subcyaneum)Class: Animals (Animalia) - Jointed Legs (Arthropoda) - Insects (Insecta)
Order: Beetles (Coleoptera)
Family: Ground Beetle (Carabidae)
Species: Green Sheen Ground Beetle (Carenum subcyaneum)
This Photo:     Profile

Thank you Mark Hura for identifying this species for us

General Species Information:
Found on Ellura (in the Murray Mallee, SA) and elsewhere
What first grabbed our attention to this black beetle was the bright green line all around it's circumference. As it turns out, it's whole body reflects green, but the lip around it's edge makes it look like a green line.
At first we thought it was a huge ant as it was moving pretty quickly across our camp ground.

Copyright © 2014-2025 Brett & Marie Smith. All Rights Reserved. Photographed 18-May-2014
This species is an Australian Native Species, not listed in the SA Murray Mallee Survey of 2010.