Ellura Sanctuary, Swan Reach, SA, 5354
Stat'NotesThumbnails: 147.   27 native species (2 introduced) listed, with 2 natives (0 introduced) from Ellura
Plants (Plantae) - Land Plants (Charophyta) - Land Plants (Equisetopsida) - Asparagus (Asparagales) - Orchid (Orchidaceae); 29 species, 2 from Ellura
Plains Spider Orchid
Caladenia campestris

Thank you June Niejalke & Frank Whitlock for confirming and Robert Lawrence for helping with the id of this species for us

We found a patch of 6 plants. There is a VERY similar orchid, in overlapping areas, called C. viriosa.
To differentiate them June said "C viriosa usually grows in a gully, slopes of hills or moister areas but C campestris is a plains orchid thus called the Plains Orchid. The height of the plant is the most useful, a plant that grows up to 50cm can be short but a plant that grows up to 20cms does not grow to 50cm, so is more reliable for ID. So, it is best to look for the tallest plants in the area. Even in a poor season C. viriosa is still quite tall. If they don't get enough moisture they don't flower."
Imaged 6Fl in Sep
🔍Flower, profile
🔍Flower, profile, close
🔍Flower, Labellum
🔍Flower, Lateral Sepals
🔍Flower, Pollinia
🔍Flower, Marginal Teeth & Calli
🔍Patch of 6
Small Bayonet Spider Orchid
Caladenia gladiolata

Thank you Robert Lawrence for confirming the id of this species for us

Imaged 8Fl in Sep
🔍S1, anterior
🔍S1, profile
🔍S3, profile
🔍S4, above
🔍S5, above
🔍Patch of 5
Pink Fairies
Caladenia latifolia

m f
Thank you Robert Lawrence for confirming the id of this species for us

Imaged 3Fl in Sep
🔍Close Up
Star Spider Orchid
Caladenia saxatilis

Thank you Robert Lawrence for confirming the id of this species for us

Imaged 1Fl in Sep
🔍Close Up
King Spider Orchid
Caladenia tentaculata

d a c
SynonymArachnorchis tentaculata

Other Common NamesEastern Mantis Orchid, Large Green-comb, Green comb or Fringed Spider Orchid

Thank you Reiner Richter & Geoffrey Cox for confirming the id of this species for us

We were quite amazed this, one and only flower we've ever had, lasted for over a month. So a number of shots shown here as it's ages.
On the 1st day it took quite a while to unravel, but by the 2nd day you can see the lower petals have crossed and the top petal hanging overhead in an arc; almost like a ballarina.
A large native orchid standing at ~300mm high, with the labelum being ~10mm wide and the petals approximately 40mm long.
Imaged 3Fl in Oct
New Flower, iso-view
New Flower, above
New Flower, back
New Flower, profile
New Flower, front
Basal Leaf, on flowering
Stem Leaf, on flowering
1 Hour Flower, profile
1 Day Flower, profile
1 Day Flower, Cap front
1 Day Flower, inside
1 Day Flower, under
3 Day Flower, front, crossed petals
10 Day Flower, profile
20 Day Flower, above
33 Day Flower, starting to dry
🔍Profile, whole
🔍Profile, close
🔍Above, whole
🔍Above, close
Purple Helmet Orchid
Corysanthes incurva

SynonymCorybas incurvus

Other Common NameSlaty Helmet

Thank you Robert Lawrence, (ZaneDJ) & Tom Hunt (Moth_Nut) for confirming the id of this species for us

Unfortunately we just missed out on seeing this one flower. They often don't flower at all, building up strength with just one leaf over the years until the time is right. This was the 1st we knew we even had this species at our home in the Adelaide Hills.
The largest leaf was ~40mm wide.
Woo Hoo, we got the flower this year (2018).
Imaged 7(2B,1Fl) in Jul(1B), Aug(1Fl), Sep(3:1B) & Oct(2)
Patch of ~15
🔍Flower, anterior
🔍Flower, offset
🔍Flower, profile
🔍Flower, rearward profile
🔍Flower, behind
🔍Flower, above
🔍Flower, finished
African Orchid
Disa bracteata
SynonymMonadenia Bracteata

A very invasive weed that's difficult to eradicate. Partly because they ALWAYS have two tubers. The first one comes up with the plant fairly easily, the second not so much. The second bulb will continue the plants life if not removed. Once the flower head has seeded it's very difficult to extract the plant without spreading seed further. The only way we know is to very genlty tilt the plant into a plastic bag (without any sudden movement) to catch anything that falls off and then dig it up. It's quite possible that cut & spray will work, but we haven't tried that.
Imaged 20 in Jan(1), Mar(1), Aug(1), Sep(2), Oct(3), Nov(9) & Dec(3)
In flower
In Bud & Flowering
Flower Head
Going to seed
Wallflower Donkey-orchid
Diuris orientis

m a
Other Common NameBulldogs Orchid

Thank you (ZaneDJ) for confirming the id of this species for us

Imaged 14(3B,12Fl) in Sep(1B) & Oct(13:2B,12Fl)
🔍Flower Stem
Stem & Flower
Flower, Front
Flower, Above
Flower, Throat
Bullard Donkey-orchid
Diuris orientis x pardina

Thank you Robert Lawrence for confirming the id of this species for us

We call these Bullard Donkey-orchid. A "Bull"dogs & Leop"ard" cross/hybrid.
We've marked it as a man made hybrid as they only hybridised due to clearance of land. Before western settlement, they didn't exist. However, the actual hybridisation occurred naturally; once they were in pollenation vacinity due to the land clearing.
The last photo shows a comparison between Leopard, Bullard & Bulldog orchids.
All photographed within about 20m or so.
Imaged 10(6B,4Fl) in Sep(5B) & Oct(5:1B,4Fl)
🔍Flower, anterior
🔍Flower, above/back
🔍Flower, profile
🔍Flower, posterior
🔍Flower Comparison
Little Donkey-orchid
Diuris palustris

m f
Other Common NameSwamp Donkey-orchid

Thank you Robert Lawrence for confirming the id of this species for us

Imaged 1Fl in Sep
Spotted Donkey-orchid
Diuris pardina

m a
Other Common NamesLeopard Orchid or Spotted Doubletail

Thank you Frank Whitlock for confirming the id of this species for us

Imaged 13(5B,10Fl) in Sep(9:5B,6Fl) & Oct(4Fl)
🔍Flower, profile
Flower, above
🔍Flower, anterior
🔍Flower, above/behind
🔍Flower Stem, profile
Mallee Midge Orchid
Genoplesium nigricans

e m
Other Common NameBlack Midge-orchid

Similar Species: Pacific Black Duck (Anas superciliosa)
Thank you Tony and Jenny Dominelli for confirming the id of this species for us

We were very excited to find this little single stemmed plant under mallee trees, amounst the leaf/bark litter.
The whole plant is only 160mm tall, with the fruit cluster only 15mm high.
We missed this flowering last year, but now we just caught it in April ... last flower remaining.
In our area the only other midge orchid it could be is Red Midge-orchid (Genoplesium rufum).
In relation to the "sheath" photo, Robert Lawrence said "This genus only has one leaf and that is tightly wrapped around the scape. What you have in this picture is the sheath that protects the new shoot until it emerges from the ground."
Imaged 3(1Fl) in Apr(1Fl), Jun(1) & Jul(1)
S2, Flower, profile
S2, Flower, above
🔍S2, Flower, front in focus
🔍S2, Flower, back in focus
🔍S2, Flower Stem with Leaf
🔍S2, Flower Finished
🔍S1, Fruits, profile
🔍S1, Fruits, above
🔍S2, Fruits, profile
🔍S1, Sheath
S1, Single Leaf, withered
🔍S1, Whole
Purple Cockatoo
Glossodia major

m a c
Other Common NameWax-lip Orchid

Thank you Reiner Richter for confirming the id of this species for us

A stunning orchid and quite large for a native at 40mm wide (petal tip to petal tip)
Imaged 5Fl in Oct
Flower, above
🔍Flower, front
🔍Flower, with Rain Drops
🔍Flower, anterior, close
Flower, profile
Flower cap, close up
Flower, back
Flower, under
Basal Leaf
Sweet Onion-orchid
Microtis cf rara
This is a tentative id
Imaged 5 in Nov(2) & Dec(3)
Flower head
Woodland Onion-orchid
Microtis frutetorum

m c
Thank you Alan Dandie for identifying this species for us

Imaged 1 in Oct
Blue Fairy Orchid
Pheladenia deformis

m f
Thank you (Distinguished_Orca) & (AldingaRoo) for confirming the id of this species for us

Imaged 6Fl in Sep
Two-bristle Greenhood Orchid
Pterostylis biseta
Other Common NamesRustyhood or Veined Greenhood

These are fascinating flowers. The two bristles are sensitive to motion. John Smyth tells us this is called an "irritable labellum". An insect will land on the labelum, attracted to the flower by scent. This will trigger the bristles to close the labellum, trapping the insect inside the flower tube. It's only way out is to follow the tube and escape. In the process is brushed against the pollen, thereby fertilising this flower, or taking it's pollen to another

Imaged 10(3B,3Fl) in May(1), Jun(1), Aug(2), Sep(1B) & Oct(5:2B,3Fl)
🔍Flower - labellum closed
Flower - labellum open
Flower - labellum, side
Hood, side
Bearded Greenhood
Pterostylis foliacea

Thank you Robert Lawrence for identifying this species for us

This looks almost exactly the same as Pterostylis plumosa, but was taken in a different region. Locally Pterostylis plumosa is classed as Endangered.
Imaged 5Fl in Sep
🔍S1, profile
🔍S2, profile
🔍S1, Basal Leaves
Midget Greenhood Orchid
Pterostylis mutica
e m
SynonymsHymenochilus muticus or Oligochaetochilus muticus

Other Common NamesBlunt Greenhood or Midget Green-hood

The rosette is more typical of greenhoods, than the swan, being very flat and small.
The rear of the labellum (the appendage) is relatively flat.
Noting the rosette in early life (August) and marking the plants to monitor them, as we did, is the best way to identify them.
This year we found a large number of specimens whose rosettes varied dramatically. We thought we had several species, but all turned out to be just the one.
Imaged 27(6B,12Fl,1Fr) in Jun(4), Jul(8:1B), Aug(12:5B,9Fl) & Sep(3:3Fl,1Fr)
Dwarf Greenhood
Pterostylis nana

m f
Thank you Robert Lawrence for confirming the id of this species for us

Imaged 2Fl in Sep
Nodding Greenhood
Pterostylis nutans
Other Common NameParrot's Beak Orchid

Imaged 15(1B,4Fl) in May(1), Jun(1B), Aug(6:2Fl), Sep(2) & Oct(5:2Fl)
In Bud
In Flower
Patch of Rosettes
Patch in Flower
Young Rosette
Old Rosette
Bud Opening
🔍Flower & Stem
Flower, Above
Flower, Profile & Tongue Petal
Flower, Front & Tongue Petal
Flower, Under
Maroon-hood Orchid
Pterostylis pedunculata
d a
Other Common NamesMaroonhood, Maroon hood or Greenhood Orchid

Imaged 17(4B,7Fl) in Aug(7:4B,3Fl), Sep(5:4Fl) & Oct(5)
Patch; 65 rossettes in this patch
Black Fire-orchid
Pyrorchis nigricans

m c
Other Common NameRed Beaks

Thank you Alan Dandie for confirming the id of this species for us

Imaged 2 in Oct
Small White Sun-orchid
Thelymitra albiflora

d a
Other Common NamePlain Sun-orchid

Thank you Adam Dutkiewicz & Robert Mitchell for identifying and Robert Lawrence & Rusty Ryder for confirming the id of this species for us

The first flower was originally id'ed as T. nuda.
When this happened we questioned Robert Lawrence about the 2nd flower, being a different coloured hood, and he said "It is certainly not typical. It could be leucistic."
Imaged 10(7B,10Fl) in Oct(9:7B,9Fl) & Nov(1Fl)
🔍Leucistic Flower?
Lemon Sun-orchid
Thelymitra antennifera

m c
Other Common NamesLemon-scented Sun Orchid or Rabbit-ears Sun-orchid

Thank you Karen Weaving & Jill Dark for confirming the id of this species for us

Imaged 30(26B,30Fl) in Oct
Plum Sun-orchid
Thelymitra cf inflata
Thank you Robert Lawrence for identifying this species for us

This is a tentative id, and Robert suggests T. inflata looks similar to T. holmesii, but the habitat is more suited to T. inflata
Imaged 7(5B,7Fl) in Oct(3:3B,3Fl) & Nov(4:2B,4Fl)
Flower, close up
🔍Flower, side
Great Sun-orchid
Thelymitra grandiflora

Thank you Robert Mitchell for identifying and Robert Lawrence for confirming the id of this species for us

We originally thought this was Scented Sun-orchid (Thelymitra megcalyptra), but Robert Mitchel kindly notified us it was different.
To differentiate from T. megcalyptra, Robert Lawrence noted "The ragged top of the column is distinctive. That particular blue with a lighter centre is very common, but there are other colours as well.".
Robert Mitchel then sent us to the latest paper describing the species "Resolution of the Thelymitra aristata (Orchidaceae) complex of south-eastern Australia; Jeffrey A. Jeanes".
The key steps from the description are:
1: Auxiliary lobes absent -> 2
2: Anther inserted at base of column at anthesis, mostly obscured behind the stigma -> 5
5: Perianth segments >20 mm long for at least somes flowers in larger individuals; flowers opening freely; plants often very robust, to 100 cm tall; habitat low to moderately high altitude heathlands and heathy woodlands; south-eastern Australia -> 6
6: Post-anther lobe of column thickened at the base, lateral margins often strongly recurved; South Australia -> T. grandiflora
Imaged 1(1B,1Fl) in Sep
🔍S1, Bud & Flower Stem
🔍S1, Flower, Close Up
Scented Sun-orchid
Thelymitra megcalyptra

m f
Thank you Frank Whitlock for confirming the id of this species for us

Imaged 1(1B,1Fl) in Sep
🔍S1, Flower, Close Up
Salmon Sun-orchid
Thelymitra rubra

d a
Other Common NameCommon Pink Sun-orchid

Thank you Judy and Rob Peters for confirming the id of this species for us

Imaged 6(4B,5Fl) in Oct(5:3B,5Fl) & Nov(1B)
🔍Flower, Whole
Flower, Centre

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