Tiny Bow-flower
3 Flowers
Soft Millotia
Tiny Bow-flower (Millotia perpusilla)Class: Plants (Plantae) - Land Plants (Charophyta) - Land Plants (Equisetopsida)
Order: Sunflowers (Asterales)
Family: Daisy (Asteraceae)     iNaturalist Observation
Species: Tiny Bow-flower (Millotia perpusilla)
This Photo:     🔍Middle Flower🔎

EXTRA - Photo Specific Information:
This is the same flower as the in the middle of the previous photo. Notice, now the stem is lifted, that you can see the stem at the bottom, the leaves coming off it and then the sepals wrapping the base of the flower, which is just the cobwebby tubes. One tube is bent over to the left, one out of focus pointing at us and 2 pointing backwards are the top. The others are hidden.
General Species Information:
Found on Ellura (in the Murray Mallee, SA) and elsewhere
The plant itself is similar size to M. muelleri, but the stems are prostrate (low to the ground, not standing up), which are described as "limp" or "lax". Each plant is upto 15mm wide.
The flowers are also petaless, ~3mm tip to tip, but much more "cobwebby". Being a daisy it has florets, about 5 in this case, that make up the flower. All the florets curve backwards, except the one on the ground which is held in place point outwards.
We found a couple of large areas near each other, within our Callitris forest, with hundreads of plants in full flower at the begining of August.

Copyright © 2019-2025 Brett & Marie Smith. All Rights Reserved. Photographed 09-Aug-2019
This species is classed as RA (Rare) in the Murray Mallee, SA, by DENR (Regional Species Status Assessments, July 2010)