Delicate Copper-wire Daisy
Flower - above
Stiff Cup-flower
Seedling, Pale Stem
Stiff Cup-flower (Pogonolepis muelleriana)Class: Plants (Plantae) - Land Plants (Charophyta) - Land Plants (Equisetopsida)
Order: Sunflowers (Asterales)
Family: Daisy (Asteraceae)     iNaturalist Observation
Species: Stiff Cup-flower (Pogonolepis muelleriana)
This Photo:     Seedling Patch
Synonym: Angianthus strictus
Other name: Stiff Angianthus

General Species Information:
Found on Ellura (in the Murray Mallee, SA) and elsewhere
A tiny plant that you could confuse with Moss.
Has pointed leaves that quickly die as it buds and flowers.
Has white hairy buds that turn into yellow flower heads (compound flowers).
The outer bracts (backs of flowers) look just like the young leaves. Perhaps they are? They get red/brown tips as they age.
The inner bracts are flat, smooth & pearl coloured with white hairy edges (margins). Very difficult to see, even in the photo's.
Generally has a sprawling habit, but the flower heads always point upwards.

Copyright © 2013-2025 Brett & Marie Smith. All Rights Reserved. Photographed 18-Jul-2013
This species is classed as LC (Least Concern) in the Murray Mallee, SA, by DENR (Regional Species Status Assessments, July 2010)