Sand Goanna
S15, Walking Past our Carport, Rotated
Murray Mallee Region
Witch's Butter
A colony in water
Lace Monitor (Varanus varius)Class: Animals (Animalia) - Chordates (Chordata) - Reptiles (Reptilia)
Order: Scaled Reptiles (Squamata)
Family: Goanna (Varanidae)     iNaturalist Observation
Species: Lace Monitor (Varanus varius)
This Photo:     🔍Adult, rotated🔎

Thank you Asimakis Patitsas for confirming the id of this species for us

General Species Information:
Found in the Murray Mallee SA, Flinders Ranges and possibly elsewhere
These climb trees, unlike our local sand goanna's. They also don't like the heat as much, and so will be restricted to wetter areas of the country.

Copyright © 2021-2025 Brett & Marie Smith. All Rights Reserved. Photographed 02-Nov-2021
This species is protected and classed as RA (Rare) under the National Parks & Wildlife, SA, Protection Act